Basic information

Northing 171146
Easting 465095
Grid Reference SU650711
City/Town Reading
Latitude 51.435584
Longitude -1.064932
Date Introduced 1990-02-01
County Berkshire
The RG7 4SA postcode, registered on 1990-02-01, can be found at 51.435584 latitude and -1.064932 longitude. The OS grid reference for this postcode is SU650711 (465095,171146). There are 306 companies situated under this postcode. The nearest restaurant is Eurest and it is placed 0 mile from this postcode. You can use the most adjacent post office - Theale, located under the following address: 8 High Street. If you need the nearest bank, go to Lloyds Bank at 40-42 High Street, only 0.562 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Le Caffe Aroma @ Westcoast Ltd, the nearest one within a distance of 0.343 mile. Le Caffe Aroma @ Westcoast Ltd is located under the following address: Arrowhead Road. If you are looking for the most adjacent bar, its name is The Falcon and The Jacket Bar and it is located under the following address: 31 High Street. The Falcon and The Jacket Bar bar is just 0.565 mile from this postcode.

Banks nearby

Lloyds Bank 40-42 High Street
Santander Sava Centre
Nationwide 100 School Road
Barclays Bank 1 The Triangle
Lloyds Bank 70 School Road

Restaurants nearby

Eurest 1320 Arlington Business Park
La Petite Baguetterie The Wrigley Co Ltd
Redbean Coffee 1330 Arlington Business Park
Red Bean Coffee Ltd 1330 Arlington Business Park
ISS Food And Hospitality At Cornerstone 1330 Arlington Business Park

Takeaways nearby

Le Caffe Aroma @ Westcoast Ltd Arrowhead Road
Taste Of China 35A High Street
Lunchbox Bakery 33A/33B High Street
Tasty Bites 15 High Street
Berkshire Kebab House Ltd 15 High Street

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Falcon and The Jacket Bar 31 High Street
Falcon Inn,The 31 High Street
Bull, The 41 High Street
3 Blues Reading Ltd The Falcon
Crown Inn,The Church Street

The biggest companies: