Basic information

Northing 259991
Easting 474061
Grid Reference SP740599
City/Town Northampton
Latitude 52.233145
Longitude -0.916981
Date Introduced 1984-10-01
County Northamptonshire County
The NN5 5JF post code, established on 1984-10-01, can be found at 52.233145 latitude and -0.916981 longitude, in Northamptonshire County county. The OS grid ref for the post code is SP740599 (474061,259991). There are 332 companies registered within the post code. The closest restaurant is called The Snapper Shack and it is situated 0.001 mile from the post code. You can visit the closest post office - St James End, situated at the following address: 144 St James Road. If you are interested in the closest bank, go to Lloyds Bank at 1/3 Harlestone Road, only 0.356 mile away. When you need a takeaway, try Greggs, the closest one within a distance of 0.103 mile. Greggs is situated at the following address: Harvey Reeves Road. If you feel like visiting the closest bar, its name is Thomas A Beckett and it is situated at the following address: 52 St James Road. Thomas A Beckett bar is only 0.365 mile from the post code.

Transport companies nearby


Banks nearby

Lloyds Bank 1/3 Harlestone Road
NatWest 167 St James Road
Nationwide 1 Weedon Rd
Barclays Bank 69 Weedon Road
Nationwide 116/118 St. Leonards Road

Restaurants nearby

The Snapper Shack Unit 2
Northampton Indoor Karting Ltd Circuit House
Team Works Karting Unit A, G P Karting Limited
Mickey's Cafe 24 St James Mill Road
Mickey's Cafe 24 St James Mill Road

Takeaways nearby

Greggs Harvey Reeves Road
Golden City 48 Bridge Street
Oh My Cod 115 St James Road
Pizza Hut 96/98 St James Road
Briar Hill Fish Bar 15 The Springs

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Thomas A Beckett 52 St James Road
Foundryman's Arms 135-137 St James Road
Jimmy's Sports Bar 6-10 Harlestone Road
The Devonshire Club 6 Harlestone Road
St James Wmc Weedon Road

The biggest companies: