Basic information

Northing 259456
Easting 475379
Grid Reference SP753594
City/Town Northampton
Latitude 52.228157
Longitude -0.897805
Date Introduced 1993-08-01
County Northamptonshire County
The NN4 8DL post code, established on 1993-08-01, can be found at 52.228157 latitude and -0.897805 longitude, in Northamptonshire County county. The OS grid ref for the a.m. post code is SP753594 (475379,259456). There are 174 firms situated within the a.m. post code. The closest restaurant is called Jemmy's Café and it is located 0.125 mile from the a.m. post code. You can use the closest post office - Waterside Campus, situated under the following address: Unit 2 Waterside Campus. If you seek the closest bank, go to Nationwide at 116/118 St. Leonards Road, Far Cotton, only 0.168 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for Fellas, the closest one within a distance of 0.001 mile. Fellas is situated under the following address: 21 St Leonards Road. If you seek the closest bar, its name is Far Cotton Loco Club and it is situated under the following address: St Leonards Road. Far Cotton Loco Club bar is just 0.125 mile from the a.m. post code.

Banks nearby

Nationwide 116/118 St. Leonards Road
Lloyds Bank 2 George Row
Virgin Money 7 Gold Street
Yorkshire Bank 7 Gold Street
Halifax 17 Market Square

Restaurants nearby

Jemmy's Café 89 St Leonards Road
Cafe Famille 103 St Leonards Road
Akbor Tandoori Indian Takeaway 113 St Leonards Road
Giggling Sausage 38 London Road
Southbridge Coffee 16 Cotton End

Takeaways nearby

Fellas 21 St Leonards Road
Fellas Fellas
Bodrumgrill 103 St Leonards Road
Far Cotton Tandoori 111 St Leonards Road
Great Wall 87 St Leonards Road

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Far Cotton Loco Club St Leonards Road
The Old White Hart 17 Cotton End
Pomfret Arms 10 Cotton End
The Pomfret Arms 10 Cotton End
Golden Horse 59 Southampton Road

The biggest companies: