Basic information

Northing 339617
Easting 454967
Grid Reference SK549396
City/Town Nottingham
Latitude 52.951128
Longitude -1.183334
Date Introduced 2008-08-01
County Nottinghamshire
The NG7 2TU post code, implemented on 2008-08-01, can be found at 52.951128 latitude and -1.183334 longitude. The OS grid ref for the post code is SK549396 (454967,339617). There are 294 businesses situated in the post code. The nearest restaurant is called De Vere Jubilee Conference Centre & Hotel, and Spokes and it is situated 0.087 mile from the post code. You can use the nearest post office - Farndon Green, located under the following address: 2 Farndon Green. If you have to go to the nearest bank, try Lloyds Bank at 357 Derby Road, only 0.25 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, try Alleys Burgers, the nearest one within a distance of 0.231 mile. Alleys Burgers is located under the following address: Plot 4, Land To West Of 69. If you want to visit the nearest bar, its name is The Three Wheatsheaves and it is located under the following address: Three Wheat Sheaves. The Three Wheatsheaves bar is just 0.185 mile from the post code.

Banks nearby

Lloyds Bank 357 Derby Road
Barclays Bank 235 Derby Road
Lloyds Bank 186 Wollaton Road
NatWest Portland Building Level C
NatWest 105 Radford Road

Restaurants nearby

De Vere Jubilee Conference Centre & Hotel, and Spokes De Vere Jubilee Conference Centre And Hotel
The Sensory Kitchen
Nutri2Go Ltd
Exchange Kitchen Cafe/Cafe Terrazzo University Of Nottingham Jubilee Campus
Cafe Aspire University Of Nottingham Jubilee Campus

Takeaways nearby

Alleys Burgers Plot 4, Land To West Of 69
Noodle Inn Nottingham Unit 1, Redwood Court
Pasta Evangelists Unit 1, Redwood Court
Wawin Vegan Chinese Unit 1, Redwood Court
The Athenian Unit 1, Redwood Court

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Three Wheatsheaves Three Wheat Sheaves
The Three Wheatsheaves Three Wheat Sheaves
Three Wheatsheaves (Nottingham) Ltd Three Wheat Sheaves
Rose & Crown The Rose And Crown
Marquis of Lorne The Marquis Of Lorne

The biggest companies: