NG15 9HG

Basic information

Northing 354984
Easting 455434
Grid Reference SK554549
City/Town Nottingham
Latitude 53.089202
Longitude -1.17375
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Nottinghamshire County
The NG15 9HG zip code, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.089202 latitude and -1.17375 longitude, in Nottinghamshire County county. The OS grid reference for that zip code is SK554549 (455434,354984). There are 252 firms reported within that zip code. The closest restaurant is Santini Bar And Restaurant and it can be found 0.252 mile from that zip code. You can use the closest post office - Ravenshead, located at the following address: 2 Milton Court. If you have to use the closest bank, visit Hsbc at 58 High Street, only 3.839 miles away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Kelvin's Fish Bar, the closest one within a distance of 0.49 mile. Kelvin's Fish Bar is located at the following address: 9 Milton Court. If you need the closest bar, its name is Larch Farm Public House and it is located at the following address: The Larch Farm. Larch Farm Public House bar is just 0.379 mile from that zip code.

Banks nearby

HSBC 58 High Street
Barclays Bank 90 Station Street
Barclays Bank 34 High Street
Yorkshire Bank 43B High Street
Lloyds Bank 37 Station Street

Restaurants nearby

Santini Bar And Restaurant 3 Nottingham Road
The Hutt Nottingham Road
Ve Raj The Sherwood Ranger
Portland College Woodlands Cafe Portland College
Cafe At The Abbey Newstead Abbey

Takeaways nearby

Kelvin's Fish Bar 9 Milton Court
Bellamy Food Store Tuxford Court
Golden Bridge 343 Nottingham Road
B J Bakery 79 - 81 Mansfield Road
Royal Pizza 45A Mansfield Road

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Larch Farm Public House The Larch Farm
The Sherwood Ranger Chapel Lane
The Little John Inn Little John Inn
Little John Inn The Flat Little John Inn
The Rushley 270 Nottingham Road

The biggest companies: