The MK14 6LS postal code, implemented on 1993-01-01, can be found at 52.058066 latitude and -0.759201 longitude. The OS grid reference for that postal code is SP851406 (485169,240691).
There are 193 companies registered in that postal code.
The nearest restaurant is Renesas Electronics (Eurest) and it can be found 0.08 mile from that postal code. You can visit the nearest post office - St Leger Drive, located at the following address: 2 St Leger Court, Milton Keynes.
If you need the nearest bank, visit Lloyds Bank at Lloyds Court, only 0.93 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, go for The Grumpy Cook, the nearest one within a distance of 0.153 mile. The Grumpy Cook is located at the following address: Linford Forum. If you want to visit the nearest bar, its name is The Blacksmiths Arms and it is located at the following address: The Blacksmiths Arms. The Blacksmiths Arms bar is just 0.557 mile from that postal code.