Basic information

Northing 235297
Easting 487991
Grid Reference SP879352
City/Town Milton Keynes
Latitude 52.009142
Longitude -0.719438
Date Introduced 1990-07-01
County Buckinghamshire
The MK1 1SW post code, registered on 1990-07-01, can be found at 52.009142 latitude and -0.719438 longitude. The OS grid reference for the a.m. post code is SP879352 (487991,235297). There are 663 companies registered under the a.m. post code. The nearest restaurant is The Healthy Jamaican Kitchen and it is located 0.001 mile from the a.m. post code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Tinkers Bridge, located at the following address: T And S Convenience Store, 40/41 Marshworth, Milton Keynes. If you need the nearest bank, go to Hsbc at 207 Queensway, only 0.965 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Kafila, the nearest one within a distance of 0.133 mile. Kafila is located at the following address: 8 Mount Avenue. If you feel like visiting the most adjacent bar, its name is The Plough at Simpson and it is located at the following address: The Plough Inn. The Plough at Simpson bar is just 0.501 mile from the a.m. post code.

Transport companies nearby


Banks nearby

HSBC 207 Queensway
Barclays Bank Branch - Bletchley
Nationwide 99 Queensway
Lloyds Bank 87-89 Queensway
Halifax 47 Queensway

Restaurants nearby

The Healthy Jamaican Kitchen 2 North House
Cafe Sen
Big Rock Climbing Centre factory 4
Inn on the Lake Bond Avenue

Takeaways nearby

Kafila 8 Mount Avenue
Moores Fish & Chips
Joyes Chicken
MKFried Chicken
Greggs Milton Keynes Asda

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Plough at Simpson The Plough Inn
The Red Lion 11 Lock View Lane
Chequers 48 Watling Street
Bull & Butcher 30 Aylesbury Street
The Maltsters Arms Public House Malsters Arms

The biggest companies: