Basic information

Northing 435744
Easting 431876
Grid Reference SE318357
City/Town Leeds
Latitude 53.817007
Longitude -1.517327
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County Yorkshire
The LS8 4HS postal code, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.817007 latitude and -1.517327 longitude. The OS grid reference for the a.m. postal code is SE318357 (431876,435744). There are 305 firms situated within the a.m. postal code. The closest restaurant is Afghan Grill House and it is located 0.001 mile from the a.m. postal code. You can use the closest post office - Harehills, situated under the following address: 275 Roundhay Road, West Yorkshire. If you seek the closest bank, try Leeds Building Society at 13 Harehills Road, LS8 5HR, only 0.04 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Granada Restaurant, the closest one within a distance of 0.001 mile. Granada Restaurant is situated under the following address: 227 Roundhay Road. If you seek the closest bar, its name is Q360 Lounge and it is situated under the following address: Unit 7 Clock Buildings. Q360 Lounge bar is just 0.195 mile from the a.m. postal code.

Banks nearby

Leeds Building Society 13 Harehills Road
Yorkshire Bank 329 Harehills Lane
Lloyds Bank 391-393 Harehills Lane
Lloyds Bank Princess House
HSBC 108 Harrogate Road

Restaurants nearby

Afghan Grill House 227 Roundhay Road
Kebabish Original 227 Roundhay Road
Spice Dragon 215A Roundhay Road
Darvish Tea House 283 Roundhay Road
Darvish Resturant 283 Roundhay Road

Takeaways nearby

Granada Restaurant 227 Roundhay Road
Pepes Piri Piri 255 - 257 Roundhay Road
Khyber Gate 219 Roundhay Road
Khyber Gate 219 Roundhay Road
Fireaway Pizza 239 Roundhay Road

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Q360 Lounge Unit 7 Clock Buildings
Yorkshire Amateur AFC Bracken Edge
Rotana Cafe 149 - 153 Harehills Road
Dock Green Inn Ashley Road
Harehills Conservative Club 288 Harehills Lane

The biggest companies: