The LS20 9AT zip code, established on 1980-01-01, can be found at 53.876237 latitude and -1.709511 longitude. The OS grid ref for the a.m. zip code is SE191422 (419196,442265).
There are 734 companies located under the a.m. zip code.
The closest restaurant is called Cena Bistro LTD and it is located 0.046 mile from the a.m. zip code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Guiseley, situated at 46 Oxford Road, West Yorkshire.
If you have to go to the closest bank, go to Hsbc at Oxford Road, only 0.208 mile away. When you want to eat a takeaway, go for Open Kitchen, the closest one within a distance of 0.046 mile. Open Kitchen is situated at 4 Oxford Road. If you want to visit the most adjacent bar, its name is New Inn and it is situated at 2 - 4 Town Gate. New Inn bar is just 0.16 mile from the a.m. zip code.