The LS10 1DX post code, implemented on 2007-01-01, can be found at 53.776485 latitude and -1.514105 longitude. The OS grid ref for that post code is SE321312 (432119,431237).
There are 346 companies situated within that post code.
The nearest restaurant is called Farmhouse Kitchen and it can be found 0.184 mile from that post code. You can use the closest post office - Thwaite Gate, situated at Pontefract Road, West Yorkshire.
If you are interested in the nearest bank, try Lloyds Bank at Hunslet District Centre, only 0.656 mile away. When you need a takeaway, try The Land And Sea Fisheries, the nearest one within a distance of 0.194 mile. The Land And Sea Fisheries is situated at 4 Sussex Gardens. If you feel like visiting the closest bar, its name is The Crooked Clock and it is situated at 2 Sussex Avenue. The Crooked Clock bar is only 0.184 mile from that post code.