The E16 1AH zip code, established on 2004-02-01, can be found at 51.505982 latitude and 0.015755 longitude. The OS grid reference for this zip code is TQ399804 (539995,180487).
There are 4708 firms situated within this zip code.
The closest restaurant is Wake Up Docklands Ltd and it is placed 0.001 mile from this zip code. You can use the closest post office - Freemasons Road, situated at 25 Freemasons Road, Victoria Docks, Greater London.
If you have to go to the closest bank, visit Barclays Bank at 6 Mitre Passage Landmark, Floor 8, only 0.554 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, try Dessert Bae, the closest one within a distance of 0.131 mile. Dessert Bae is situated at 54A Expressway Studios. If you are looking for the closest bar, its name is LA Lounge and it is situated at 26 North Woolwich Road. LA Lounge bar is just 0.136 mile from this zip code.