Basic information

Northing 279449
Easting 428507
Grid Reference SP285794
City/Town Coventry
Latitude 52.412306
Longitude -1.582328
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County West Midlands
The CV5 7BB postal code, introduced on 1980-01-01, can be found at 52.412306 latitude and -1.582328 longitude. The OS grid ref for the a.m. postal code is SP285794 (428507,279449). There are 169 businesses located under the a.m. postal code. The closest restaurant is called Cafe Crescent and it is located 0.522 mile from the a.m. postal code. You can visit the most adjacent post office - Jardine, located under the following address: 76 Jardine Crescent, West Midlands. If you need the closest bank, try Coventry Building Society at 351 Tile Hill Lane, only 1.17 miles away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Unicorn Fish & Chips, the closest one within a distance of 0.178 mile. Unicorn Fish & Chips is located under the following address: 94 Stonebury Avenue. If you are looking for the most adjacent bar, its name is Black Prince and it is located under the following address: The Black Prince. Black Prince bar is just 0.225 mile from the a.m. postal code.

Banks nearby

Coventry Building Society 351 Tile Hill Lane
Barclays Bank 513 Fletchamstead Highway
Coventry Building Society 1 Cannon Park Centre
Barclays Bank Warwick
NatWest Po Box 306

Restaurants nearby

Cafe Crescent 52 Jardine Crescent
Love a Latte 59-63 Alderminster Road
Serene Lounge 59-63 Alderminster Road
One Stop 67 Alderminster Road
Chartwells at Tile Hill Wood School Tile Hill Wood School And Language College

Takeaways nearby

Unicorn Fish & Chips 94 Stonebury Avenue
Unicorn Chippy 94 Stonebury Avenue
Jumbo House 14 Unicorn Avenue
Jasmine 142 Jardine Crescent
Popeyes 110-112 Jardine Crescent

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

Black Prince The Black Prince
The Unicorn Scireborne Tavern
Powerleague Fives Limited The Woodlands School And Sports College
Our Lady of the Assumption Rear Hall 650 Tile Hill Lane
The Vale Nod Rise

The biggest companies: