The CV1 3EH postcode, registered on 1980-01-01, can be found at 52.404825 latitude and -1.518178 longitude. The OS grid reference for the postcode is SP328786 (432876,278644).
There are 154 firms reported in the postcode.
The nearest restaurant is Feast Junction and it is situated 0.035 mile from the postcode. You can use the nearest post office - Warwick Road, situated at the following address: 5 Central Buildings, Warwick Road, West Midlands.
If you have to use the nearest bank, go to The Co-Operative Bank at 6 Warwick Row, only 0.256 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for Torino Pizza, the nearest one within a distance of 0.182 mile. Torino Pizza is situated at the following address: 27 Butts. If you seek the nearest bar, its name is Teezers and it is situated at the following address: Jolly Beggars Club. Teezers bar is only 0.035 mile from the postcode.