The BS9 2DR postcode, established on 1980-01-01, can be found at 51.4865 latitude and -2.641257 longitude. The OS grid ref for the postcode is ST555765 (355571,176589).
There are 272 businesses situated in the postcode.
The closest restaurant is called The Hideaway and it is situated 0.04 mile from the postcode. You can use the nearest post office - Sea Mills, situated under the following address: 160 Shirehampton Road, Sea Mills, City Of Bristol.
If you are interested in the closest bank, try Hsbc at 11 Canford Lane, only 1.241 miles away. When you want to eat a takeaway, try Simply Fish, the closest one within a distance of 0.046 mile. Simply Fish is situated under the following address: 6 Trymwood Parade. If you are looking for the nearest bar, its name is The Mill House and it is situated under the following address: Mill House. The Mill House bar is just 0.103 mile from the postcode.