The BS31 2AU postal code, established on 2013-07-01, can be found at 51.41973 latitude and -2.506794 longitude. The OS grid ref for this postal code is ST648690 (364856,169090).
There are 337 businesses registered in this postal code.
The closest restaurant is called Keynsham Town Football Club and it is placed 0.135 mile from this postal code. You can visit the nearest post office - Keynsham, located at 44 High Street, City Of Bristol.
If you have to go to the closest bank, try Natwest at 26 High Street, only 0.464 mile away. When you need a takeaway, go for M&M Kebab And Pizza, the closest one within a distance of 0.438 mile. M&M Kebab And Pizza is located at 28A High Street. If you want to visit the nearest bar, its name is The Crown and it is located at Crown Inn. The Crown bar is only 0.127 mile from this postal code.