BS13 0DH

Basic information

Northing 167125
Easting 358184
Grid Reference ST581671
City/Town Bristol
Latitude 51.401608
Longitude -2.602506
Date Introduced 1980-01-01
County South Gloucestershire
The BS13 0DH postal code, registered on 1980-01-01, can be found at 51.401608 latitude and -2.602506 longitude. The OS grid ref for the postal code is ST581671 (358184,167125). There are 220 firms located in the postal code. The nearest restaurant is called Symes Avenue Community Centre and it is situated 0.322 mile from the postal code. You can visit the nearest post office - Symes Avenue, located at the following address: Unit 7 Silcox Road, Symes Avenue, City Of Bristol. If you seek the nearest bank, visit Lloyds Bank at 16 Highridge Road, only 1.256 miles away. When you need a takeaway, try The Red Onion, the nearest one within a distance of 0.454 mile. The Red Onion is located at the following address: 532 Bishport Avenue. If you want to visit the nearest bar, its name is The Hartcliffe Inn and it is located at the following address: The Hartcliffe Inn. The Hartcliffe Inn bar is only 0.247 mile from the postal code.

Banks nearby

Lloyds Bank 16 Highridge Road
Halifax 3 Asda Centre
NatWest Po Box 1398
HSBC 2 Cannon Street
HSBC 217 North Street

Restaurants nearby

Symes Avenue Community Centre Community Centre
Fun Fudge
City of Bristol Gymnastics Centre - COB Cafe City Of Bristol Gymnastics Centre, Bridge Learning Campus
Ofelia's Eco-Coffee House City Of Bristol Gymnastics Centre, Bridge Learning Campus

Takeaways nearby

The Red Onion
Fulford Fish Bar
Papa Johns Unit 14a, Imperial Park
Forest Kebab House
Star Fish Bar

Bars/Pubs/Nightclubs nearby

The Hartcliffe Inn The Hartcliffe Inn
Willmott Park Bowls Club Willmott Park Bowls Club
The Fulford House Fulford House
The Harriers Public House The Harriers
The Sartan Club Sartan Club

The biggest companies: