The BS1 4JZ postcode, registered on 1980-01-01, can be found at 51.45106 latitude and -2.595947 longitude. The OS grid ref for that postcode is ST586726 (358685,172621).
There are 246 firms reported in that postcode.
The nearest restaurant is called Graze Bar and Chophouse and it can be found 0.004 mile from that postcode. You can use the nearest post office - The Galleries, located at Castle Gallery, Broadmead, City Of Bristol.
If you need the nearest bank, try Barclays Bank at 15 Queen Square, only 0.135 mile away. When you seek a takeaway, go for Burger Theory At Kongs And Events, the nearest one within a distance of 0.081 mile. Burger Theory At Kongs And Events is located at 15 King Street. If you are looking for the nearest bar, its name is Prince Street Social and it is located at Crown House. Prince Street Social bar is just 0.037 mile from that postcode.