10411835 - registration number assigned to Zenith Global Health. It was registered as a Pri/lbg/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital, Use Of 'limited' Exemption) on 2016-10-05. It has been on the British market for the last eight years. The company can be found at 6 Woodside Way in Croydon. It's postal code assigned to this address is CR0 7AT. This business's registered with SIC code 74909 which means Other professional, scientific and technical activities not elsewhere classified. The company's latest annual accounts detail the period up to 2022/10/31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023/10/04.
Concerning this specific business, the full range of director's responsibilities have so far been carried out by Mary A. who was assigned this position in 2016 in October. That business had been controlled by Angela U. till October 2023. To provide support to the directors, this particular business has been using the skills of Shalom S. as a secretary since September 2021.