This particular Wild Strawberry Interactive Multimedia Limited business has been operating on the market for at least 30 years, having started in 1995. Started with registration number 03059554, Wild Strawberry Interactive Multimedia is a Private Limited Company located in 35 Belle Vue Road, South Shrewsbury SY3 7LN. This business's declared SIC number is 90030 which stands for Artistic creation. 2022-05-31 is the last time company accounts were filed.
There is a single managing director at the moment overseeing this particular firm, specifically Andrew M. who's been executing the director's obligations for 30 years. Since 1996 Lesley M., had been fulfilling assigned duties for the firm until the resignation on 2007-09-21. Furthermore another director, specifically Michael M. gave up the position on 1996-05-28. Furthermore, the director's responsibilities are often backed by a secretary - Linda M., who was selected by the firm in 2007.