The business is located in Derby registered with number: 06391123. This company was registered in the year 2007. The main office of the company is situated at Pinnacle House Breedon-on-the-hill. The zip code for this address is DE73 8AP. This firm debuted under the business name Rigcycle, but for the last sixteen years has operated under the business name Welsh Slate Limited. The firm's declared SIC number is 99999 which means Dormant Company. Welsh Slate Ltd reported its latest accounts for the financial period up to 2022-12-31. Its most recent annual confirmation statement was filed on 2023-10-05.
The company owns one restaurant or cafe. Its FHRSID is 68. It reports to Gwynedd and its last food inspection was carried out on 2019-10-30 in Chwarel Penrhyn, Bethesda, LL57 4YG. The most recent quality assessment result obtained by the company is 5, which translates as very good. The components comprising this value are the following inspection results: 0 for hygiene, 0 for its structural management and 0 for confidence in management.
Considering the enterprise's growing number of employees, it was imperative to formally appoint other company leaders: Susan B. and James A. who have been participating in joint efforts since August 2022 to fulfil their statutory duties for this specific limited company.