This business operates as Urban Patchwork Ltd. It first started seven years ago and was registered with 10979811 as its reg. no. This registered office of the company is based in London. You may visit them at Unit B, Ensign House Tavern Quay, Rope Street. This firm's principal business activity number is 68310 and their NACE code stands for Real estate agencies. Urban Patchwork Limited filed its latest accounts for the financial year up to 2023/03/31. The business latest confirmation statement was submitted on 2023/06/15.
On Mon, 15th Jan 2018, the firm was seeking a Sales and Lettings Negotiator for an estate agent social enterprise to fill a position in South East London. They offered a job with wage from £30000.00 to £35000.00 per year.
Toby G. is the firm's solitary director, who was chosen to lead the company on 2017-09-25. This firm had been directed by Tessa G. until 2020-03-24.
Toby G. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.