Ulyatant came into being in 2007 as a company enlisted under no 06295740, located at NG2 7BA Nottingham at Tenby Place, 102 Selby Road. The firm has been in business for 17 years and its official state is active. This firm's SIC code is 71121 meaning Engineering design activities for industrial process and production. Ulyatant Ltd filed its latest accounts for the financial year up to 2022-06-30. The company's most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-06-28.
Until now, this specific limited company has only been overseen by an individual director: Hemant P. who has been caring of it for 17 years. What is more, the managing director's tasks are often assisted with by a secretary - Neeta P., who was officially appointed by the limited company in June 2007.
Hemant P. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.