Based in Rectory Mews Crown Road, Oxford OX33 1UL Temple Heights Management Company Limited is a Private Limited Company registered under the 03122896 registration number. The firm was set up on Tue, 7th Nov 1995. It 's been twenty eight years from the moment Temple Heights Management Company Limited is no longer identified under the name Lochzone. This company's declared SIC number is 98000 and their NACE code stands for Residents property management. Temple Heights Management Company Ltd released its account information for the financial period up to Wed, 30th Nov 2022. The most recent annual confirmation statement was released on Mon, 7th Nov 2022.
According to the information we have, this particular firm was built in November 1995 and has so far been led by twelve directors, out of whom two (Amy D. and Clare P.) are still listed as current directors.