Brick Live Far East Limited is categorised as Private Limited Company, with headquarters in 3 Park Court, Pyrford Road, West Byfleet. It's post code is KT14 6SD. This enterprise was set up in 2016. Its registered no. is 10308158. Launched as Studley Brick Design, this business used the name until 2017-11-03, at which point it was changed to Brick Live Far East Limited. This enterprise's SIC code is 82990 which stands for Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified. 31st December 2019 is the last time when company accounts were reported.
There seems to be a single director at the current moment leading this specific limited company, namely John C. who has been utilizing the director's tasks since 2016-08-02. This limited company had been governed by Maria P. until March 2018. Additionally a different director, including Simon H. resigned eight years ago. At least one secretary in this firm is a limited company: Sole Associates Accountants Ltd.