Based in Five Acres Cottage, Forest Row RH18 5BG Hartfield Trading Limited is classified as a Private Limited Company with 05197473 Companies House Reg No. It's been set up 20 years ago. Up till now Hartfield Trading Limited changed the company official name three times. Up till 2017-11-07 it used the business name Stonewood Financial. Then it used the business name Ideal Cfd which was used up till 2017-11-07 then the current name was agreed on. The enterprise's SIC code is 46190 and has the NACE code: Agents involved in the sale of a variety of goods. 2022-08-31 is the last time when the company accounts were filed.
Since 2006-02-15, this specific company has only been overseen by a single director: Peter B. who has been presiding over it for eighteen years.
Peter B. is the individual who controls this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.