The business is located in Eastleigh under the following Company Registration No.: 05772957. The firm was registered in 2006. The main office of the company is located at Ashton House 12 The Central Precinct Chandler's Ford. The post code for this address is SO53 2GB. The business name of the company was changed in 2014 to South Hams Moving And Storage Limited. The enterprise previous business name was South Hams Removals. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 49420 which stands for Removal services. January 31, 2023 is the last time the accounts were filed.
For the following company, a number of director's responsibilities up till now have been performed by Dominic V. and Ian P.. Within the group of these two individuals, Ian P. has administered company for the longest period of time, having become a part of directors' team on 2014.