The firm operates as Signature Chauffeur Hire (london) Ltd. The company was started sixteen years ago and was registered under 06562815 as its reg. no. This headquarters of this firm is located in Wembley. You can contact them at Link House, 553 High Road. This business's classified under the NACE and SIC code 49390 which stands for Other passenger land transport. The business most recent accounts describe the period up to 2023/04/30 and the latest annual confirmation statement was released on 2023/04/11.
For the firm, the full extent of director's assignments have so far been met by Afrim V. who was appointed on 2008-04-11. In order to support the directors in their duties, the abovementioned firm has been utilizing the skills of Gjulizar V. as a secretary since the appointment on 2008-04-11.
Afrim V. is the individual who controls this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares.