The company referred to as Shoby Investments was started on 20th March 2015 as a Private Limited Company. This company's registered office can be found at Nottingham on Northgate House North Gate, New Basford. Assuming you have to get in touch with the firm by mail, the area code is NG7 7BQ. The registration number for Shoby Investments Limited is 09500594. This company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 64204 : Activities of distribution holding companies. 2022-06-30 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
Taking into consideration this particular company's constant expansion, it was imperative to formally appoint extra company leaders, to name just a few: Lucy S., Sophie S., Samuel S. who have been assisting each other since April 2019 to fulfil their statutory duties for this specific limited company. At least one limited company has been appointed as a director, specifically Shoby Holdings Limited.