Scarborough Partnership Residential Limited may be gotten hold of in Europa House, 20 Esplanade in Scarborough. The company's postal code is YO11 2AQ. Scarborough Partnership Residential has been on the British market since the firm was established in 2007. The company's registered no. is 06072337. The Scarborough Partnership Residential Limited firm was known under three other names before. The company was originally established as of Bramall Lane Hotel and was switched to Sheffield United (hotel) on Thu, 17th Jun 2021. The company's third business name was current name until 2007. The firm's declared SIC number is 68100 and has the NACE code: Buying and selling of own real estate. 2022/12/31 is the last time when company accounts were reported.
The directors currently appointed by this specific business are: Jeremy T. appointed in 2018, Kevin M. appointed 6 years ago and Scott M. appointed fourteen years ago. At least one secretary in this firm is a limited company: Esplanade Secretarial Services Limited.