Sea Ranger Association may be reached at Hqts Lord Amory Dollar Bay, 631 Manchester Road in London. The zip code is E14 3NU. Sea Ranger Association has been operating in this business for 49 years. The Companies House Registration Number is 01211248. The firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 88990 and their NACE code stands for Other social work activities without accommodation n.e.c.. December 31, 2022 is the last time when the company accounts were reported.
The company started working as a charity on Thursday 3rd July 1975. Its charity registration number is 269659. The geographic range of the charity's area of benefit is not defined. They operate in Throughout England And Wales. Regarding the charity's financial situation, their best period was in 2009 when they earned 50,735 pounds and they spent 19,486 pounds. Sea Ranger Association concentrates on the area of amateur sport, training and education and training and education. It tries to improve the situation of youth or children, other definied groups, children or young people. It tries to help these recipients by providing human resources, providing buildings, facilities or open spaces and providing human resources. In order to know anything else about the corporation's activities, dial them on the following number 01243 377304 or go to their website.
At the moment, the directors appointed by the following business are as follow: Susan M. assigned this position on 2023/04/22, Patricia J. assigned this position on 2023/04/22, Lucy J. assigned this position on 2022/04/09 and 3 other members of the Management Board who might be found within the Company Staff section of this page. Moreover, the managing director's responsibilities are assisted with by a secretary - Helen C., who was officially appointed by this business on 2017/06/27.