Saxby Bros has been operating in this business field for at least 65 years. Registered under company registration number 00619827, the company is listed as a Private Limited Company. You may visit the main office of this company during business times under the following location: 8 Salisbury Square, EC4Y 8BB London. This company's declared SIC number is 10890 - Manufacture of other food products n.e.c.. 2011-01-11 is the last time when the company accounts were filed.
In order to meet the requirements of its customers, this company is being led by a unit of three directors who are Laura E., Angela R. and James M.. Their joint efforts have been of utmost use to the company since 2011-06-01. Additionally, the managing director's duties are constantly assisted with by a secretary - Angela R., who was chosen by the company on 2011-05-01.