This firm referred to as S Robinson & Sons (developments) was established on 2000/06/27 as a Private Limited Company. The firm's headquarters could be reached at Derby on The Mills, Canal Street. Should you have to contact the firm by post, its area code is DE1 2RJ. The company registration number for S Robinson & Sons (developments) Limited is 04022145. The firm's principal business activity number is 74990 and their NACE code stands for Non-trading company. S Robinson & Sons (developments) Ltd filed its account information for the period up to 30th November 2022. The company's latest confirmation statement was submitted on 31st May 2023.
The info we gathered related to the following enterprise's MDs implies a leadership of three directors: Michael R., John R. and Michael N. who were appointed on 2010/11/30, 2000/06/27. In addition, the director's responsibilities are constantly backed by a secretary - Michael N., who was chosen by this limited company in June 2000.