2012 is the year of the start of Rr Phantom Cars Limited, a firm registered at 256 Norwood Road, in Southall. This means it's been twelve years Rr Phantom Cars has prospered on the local market, as the company was established on 23rd October 2012. The firm registration number is 08263971 and the company zip code is UB2 4JH. This firm's principal business activity number is 77110 which stands for Renting and leasing of cars and light motor vehicles. The company's latest accounts cover the period up to 2022-09-30 and the most current confirmation statement was filed on 2023-10-23.
In order to be able to match the demands of its customers, the following business is being developed by a unit of two directors who are Jaswinder B. and Reshim B.. Their constant collaboration has been of extreme use to this specific business for twelve years. Furthermore, the managing director's responsibilities are constantly backed by a secretary - Reshim B., who was chosen by this specific business twelve years ago.