The company named Rosemary Works Eyc was created on 2006-09-15 as a Private Limited Company. The firm's headquarters can be contacted at Waltham Abbey on 2 Tudor Way. Assuming you need to reach the firm by mail, its post code is EN9 1PX. The office reg. no. for Rosemary Works Eyc Limited is 05936208. The firm's SIC code is 85100 meaning Pre-primary education. 2022-02-28 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
Our data about this specific enterprise's MDs implies that there are three directors: Barnaby M., Magalie B. and Katherine J. who were appointed on 2006-09-15. Furthermore, the managing director's tasks are helped with by a secretary - Magalie B., who was appointed by this specific company on 2006-09-15.
Katherine J. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns 1/2 or less of company shares.