03614892 - registration number assigned to Riverbank Hotels Limited. This firm was registered as a Private Limited Company on Thu, 13th Aug 1998. This firm has been on the market for twenty six years. The company can be contacted at 35 Ballards Lane London in Finchley. The company's post code assigned to this address is N3 1XW. The company currently known as Riverbank Hotels Limited was known as Signfill up till Thu, 3rd Sep 1998 when the business name was changed. This firm's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 55100: Hotels and similar accommodation. 2022-12-31 is the last time the accounts were reported.
As for the company, a number of director's assignments have been carried out by Neil G. and Charles G.. Out of these two individuals, Neil G. has administered company for the longest time, having become a part of company's Management Board on June 2018.