This business is widely known as One Shot Leisure Centre Ltd. This company was originally established eight years ago and was registered under 11027131 as the reg. no. This office of this company is registered in Bradford. You can contact them at Greenhill Resource Centre, Florence Street. This company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 93199 which stands for Other sports activities. Its latest financial reports detail the period up to 2018/10/31 and the most current confirmation statement was filed on 2019/10/22.
Right now, this particular limited company is directed by just one managing director: Assad K., who was assigned to lead the company in 2017. For almost one year Fehmida N., had been functioning as a director for the following limited company up to the moment of the resignation in 2019. Additionally a different director, including Arshad K. gave up the position on Sun, 15th Sep 2019.
Assad K. is the individual who controls this firm.