Mental Health Ok started its operations in 2018 as a Private Limited Company registered with number: 11173775. The business has been active for seven years and the present status is active. This firm's headquarters is located in Cranleigh at 5 Alfold Road. You could also find the company utilizing the area code, GU6 8NQ. This business's SIC code is 86900 - Other human health activities. Mental Health Ok Ltd filed its account information for the financial period up to 2023-01-31. The latest confirmation statement was released on 2023-01-28.
Since January 29, 2018, this particular firm has only been guided by a single managing director: Ann F. who has been maintaining it for seven years.
Ann F. is the individual who has control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares and has 3/4 to full of voting rights.