Melbourne Server Hosting is a business registered at EC2A 4JU London at 3rd Floor. The enterprise was formed in 2000 and is established under the registration number 04091836. The enterprise has been active on the English market for twenty four years now and company last known status is active. The company's current name is Melbourne Server Hosting Limited. This business's previous associates may recognize the firm also as Melbourne Network Solutions, which was used up till 16th February 2010. This business's SIC code is 99999 - Dormant Company. Melbourne Server Hosting Ltd released its account information for the financial period up to 2022-03-31. The firm's most recent annual confirmation statement was released on 2023-10-04.
There is a group of two directors overseeing this particular business at the moment, specifically Lucy D. and Scott C. who have been carrying out the directors duties since 2023. Moreover, the director's tasks are constantly supported by a secretary - Julie B., who was appointed by the business in 2023.