M K Associates is a firm with it's headquarters at IG10 3NY Essex at 38 Chigwell Lane. The firm was formed in 1993 and is registered under reg. no. 02878813. The firm has been operating on the English market for 32 years now and its state is active. This firm's SIC code is 46160 meaning Agents involved in the sale of textiles, clothing, fur, footwear and leather goods. 2022-03-31 is the last time the accounts were filed.
With two recruitment announcements since 2015/08/27, M K Associates has been active on the labour market. On 2016/08/29, it started employing job candidates for a full time Warehouse Supervisor position in Loughton, and on 2015/08/27, for the vacant position of a full time Quality Manager in Loughton.
4 transactions have been registered in 2011 with a sum total of £3,146. In 2010 there were less transactions (exactly 3) that added up to £3,273. Cooperation with the Cornwall Council council covered the following areas: Unit Specific.
This firm owes its well established position on the market and constant improvement to a team of three directors, specifically Rosina V., Sukhminder V. and Baljit V., who have been guiding it since 2008-10-29. Moreover, the director's assignments are often aided with by a secretary - Sukhminder V., who was chosen by the following firm in December 2002.