Located in Pembroke Lodge, Ruislip HA4 8NQ Larchwood Roofing & Building Limited is a Private Limited Company registered under the 08023041 Companies House Reg No. This company was set up 12 years ago. This firm has a history in business name changes. Previously the company had two other names. Until 2023 the company was prospering as Larchwood Property Maintenance and before that its company name was Larchwood Tree Services. This company's declared SIC number is 77390 which means Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c.. Larchwood Roofing & Building Ltd reported its latest accounts for the financial period up to 2022-04-30. The business most recent confirmation statement was released on 2023-09-08.
According to the latest data, we can name only one director in the company: Dennis S. (since April 10, 2012). That business had been overseen by Barbara K. up until 12 years ago. What is more a different director, specifically Dennis S. quit on March 31, 2015.