2018 is the date that marks the start of Adamson Repairs Ltd, the company located at 17 Fielden Place, , Bracknell. This means it's been six years Adamson Repairs has existed in this business, as it was registered on Friday 23rd February 2018. The company's reg. no. is 11223063 and the post code is RG12 2PB. It is known as Adamson Repairs Ltd. Moreover this company also was registered as Jovis Servicing until it was replaced three years from now. This company's classified under the NACE and SIC code 52290 and has the NACE code: Other transportation support activities. Adamson Repairs Limited released its latest accounts for the period that ended on Mon, 28th Feb 2022. The latest annual confirmation statement was submitted on Wed, 22nd Feb 2023.
At the moment, this particular business is the workplace of a single managing director: Adam U., who was formally appointed on Friday 23rd February 2018.
Adam U. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.