James O'flanagan Limited can be contacted at Coventry at The Jetty, 108-112. Anyone can search for the company by its zip code - CV6 5AZ. James O'flanagan's incorporation dates back to year 1949. The firm is registered under the number 00469337 and its last known state is active. The company's SIC and NACE codes are 41202 : Construction of domestic buildings. 2023-06-30 is the last time company accounts were filed.
In order to meet the requirements of its customers, this particular firm is continually improved by a unit of three directors who are Daniel O., Kathleen O. and Martin O.. Their joint efforts have been of extreme use to this specific firm since October 2007. To support the directors in their duties, this particular firm has been utilizing the expertise of Martin O. as a secretary.
Martin O. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 1/2 to 3/4 of company shares .