Instant Despatch Services has been on the market for twenty two years. Started under no. 04482914, the company is classified as a Private Limited Company. You can reach the headquarters of this firm during business hours at the following location: 31-32 High Street Wellingborough, NN8 4HL Northamptonshire. This enterprise's SIC and NACE codes are 49410 which stands for Freight transport by road. The most recent annual accounts describe the period up to 2022/08/31 and the latest confirmation statement was submitted on 2023/07/12.
Instant Despatch Services Ltd is a medium-sized transport company with the licence number OF1044319. The firm has two transport operating centres in the country. In their subsidiary in Wellingborough on Raunds, 6 machines are available. The centre in Wellingborough on Knuston Home Farm has 30 machines and 1 trailer.
The information that details this enterprise's MDs shows us a leadership of two directors: Roy G. and Dennis S. who were appointed to their positions on Tue, 6th Oct 2015 and Thu, 11th Jul 2002. In order to support the directors in their duties, this particular company has been utilizing the skillset of Michelle S. as a secretary for the last 15 years.