The date this company was registered is Wednesday 1st February 1995. Established under company registration number 03016852, it is classified as a Private Limited Company. You can contact the main office of this company during its opening hours under the following address: 30a High Street Stony Stratford, MK11 1AF Milton Keynes. It 's been twenty years from the moment Hsl Property Limited is no longer recognized under the business name Haslam Services. This firm's SIC code is 70229 and their NACE code stands for Management consultancy activities other than financial management. The business latest accounts were submitted for the period up to 2022-06-30 and the most recent confirmation statement was released on 2023-01-13.
In order to be able to match the demands of their customer base, this specific limited company is constantly being supervised by a body of two directors who are Philip H. and Wendy H.. Their joint efforts have been of prime use to the limited company for thirty years. In order to provide support to the directors, this specific limited company has been using the skills of Wendy H. as a secretary since 1995.