1947 marks the start of Highfield Garage (swardeston) Limited, a firm located at Valentines Brownes Lane, Swardeston in Norwich. This means it's been 78 years Highfield Garage (swardeston) has been in this business, as it was started on 1947/09/06. The firm Companies House Reg No. is 00441842 and its post code is NR14 8UG. The firm present name is Highfield Garage (swardeston) Limited. This enterprise's former customers may recognize this firm also as Thomas Wilch & High, which was used until 2007/06/13. This enterprise's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 68209 and their NACE code stands for Other letting and operating of own or leased real estate. 2022-09-30 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
Given the following company's number of employees, it became necessary to acquire new directors: Peter T. and Mark T. who have been collaborating since April 2023 to promote the success of the business. To provide support to the directors, this business has been utilizing the skills of Mark T. as a secretary since 2009.