Halo Hair is a firm registered at NE33 2TA Tyne & Wear at 24 Lyndhurst Street. The company has been registered in year 2003 and is established under reg. no. 04684792. The company has been present on the British market for 22 years now and its current status is active. This firm's classified under the NACE and SIC code 96020 and has the NACE code: Hairdressing and other beauty treatment. Its most recent filed accounts documents cover the period up to 2022-03-31 and the most recent annual confirmation statement was submitted on 2023-03-04.
When it comes to this business, a variety of director's tasks have so far been done by Alan A. who was assigned this position in 2003 in March.
Alan A. is the individual with significant control over this firm, owns over 3/4 of company shares.