Registered at Ground Floor 123 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5EA Grosvenor Administration Limited is classified as a Private Limited Company with 03273898 Companies House Reg No. This firm was started twenty nine years ago. This company's registered with SIC code 74990: Non-trading company. 30th April 2023 is the last time when account status updates were filed.
According to the latest update, we have a solitary director in the company: Susan H. (since 2019/03/18). The following limited company had been directed by Michael G. up until 2019/03/18. What is more, the director's assignments are constantly supported by a secretary - Gerard R., who was chosen by this specific limited company on 2004/04/08.
The companies with significant control over this firm are as follows: Hawksford International Uk) Limited has substantial control or influence over the company. This business can be reached in London at 123 Pall Mall, St James,, SW1Y 5EA.