The exact moment the firm was started is 21st July 1982. Started under no. 01653116, this firm is listed as a Pri/ltd By Guar/nsc (private, Limited By Guarantee, No Share Capital). You may find the headquarters of this company during its opening times at the following location: 140 Aldersgate Street, EC1A 4HY London. The company's current name is Newable Limited. The enterprise's former clients may know this firm also as Greater London Enterprise, which was used until 7th October 2016. The enterprise's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 70100 which stands for Activities of head offices. Thursday 31st March 2022 is the last time when account status updates were reported.
With two recruitment offers since Friday 2nd October 2015, the firm has been quite active on the employment market. On Thursday 29th October 2015, it started employing candidates for a Culture and Language Adviser post in London, and on Friday 2nd October 2015, for the vacant post of a Ukti London Region Relationship Manager in London.
The trademark of Newable is "NEWABLE". It was submitted for registration in November, 2016 and its registration process was finalised by trademark office in February, 2017. The company will use their trademark untill November, 2026.
Given the following company's constant expansion, it became necessary to formally appoint other company leaders, namely: Joseph M., Peter C., Robert T. who have been collaborating since April 2024 to promote the success of the business. Moreover, the managing director's tasks are regularly aided with by a secretary - Robert T., who was chosen by the business almost one year ago.