The business is situated in Edinburgh with reg. no. SC441319. This company was registered in the year 2013. The headquarters of this company is situated at Unit 24 New Broompark Business Park. The post code for this place is EH5 1RS. This enterprise's registered with SIC code 56290: Other food services. The business latest accounts describe the period up to 2023-03-31 and the most current confirmation statement was released on 2023-01-31.
With two job advert since 2015/09/08, the corporation has been a quite active employer on the employment market. On 2017/06/22, it was employing candidates for a full time Multi drop driver and warehouse operative post in Edinburgh, and on 2015/09/08, for the vacant post of a full time Experienced Multidrop driver & warehouse operative (combined role) in Edinburgh.
There seems to be 1 director now running this specific firm, namely James H. who's been utilizing the director's tasks for 11 years.