This particular firm is registered in Cardiff under the ID 15094961. The firm was established in the year 2023. The headquarters of this firm is located at 34 The Parade Roath. The postal code for this address is CF24 3AD. The enterprise's Standard Industrial Classification Code is 68100 meaning Buying and selling of own real estate.
When it comes to this particular limited company, a number of director's responsibilities have so far been performed by Sobia F., Mehrunnisa R., Mohammad M. and 7 other members of the Management Board who might be found within the Company Staff section of this page. Within the group of these ten individuals, Rabia M. has managed limited company for the longest period of time, having been one of the many members of company's Management Board since August 2023.
Sohail M. is the individual who controls this firm, has substantial control or influence over the company.